Following the first meeting of the UfM Thematic Working Group on UrbanRegeneration, held in Brussels from 18-19 June 2019, a second meeting was convened
in Brussels, on 12 December 2019, under the chairmanship of the UfM Co-presidency,
represented by Ms Wallis Goelen, Senior Expert for Inclusive Growth, Urban and
Territorial Development attached to the Deputy Director-General at DG REGIO, EC, and
Mr Ashraf Abu Al Salem, Head of the Urban Planning Section at the Ministry of Local
Administration, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
2. The main purpose of the meeting was to overview the draft outline of the ‘UfM
Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2020-2040 for sustainable, resilient and
inclusive cities and communities in the Mediterranean’, henceforth the ‘Action Plan’,
which is being devised by the Delft University of Technology (henceforth TU Delft), as
part of the ongoing process of laying the groundwork for the next UfM Ministerial
Conference on Sustainable Urban Development. TU Delft acts as the ‘lead knowledge
partner’ in the design phase of the Action Plan, joined by UNESCO World Heritage
Centre as ‘knowledge partner’. UNESCO’s contribution is particularly geared towards
helping streamline the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) approach1 for creative historical
cities across the Action Plan. As part of the design phase, knowledge partners will reach
out for input from their existing partners in the region.
3. The second meeting: (i) reviewed the pursued outcomes, principles, scope and reach
as well as the management and monitoring of the Action Plan, (ii) took note of the
suggestions made as regards the outline, (iii) overviewed the evolving project pipeline,
(iv) discussed the next steps planned to be taken in the first quarter of 2020.
Period | 12 Dec 2019 |
Work for | Union for the Mediterranean |
Degree of Recognition | International |
- Union for the Mediterranean
- UfM
- European Commission
- Spatial Planning
- History
- Heritage Future developments
- Heritage
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable Urban Development
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Working Group on Urban Regeneration Action Plan
Activity: Consultancy