It Is Easier To Demolish A House Than To Build One: Informal Settlement Upgrading and Redevelopment, Displacement and Inequality in sub-Saharan African Cities

Activity: Talk or presentationTalk or presentation at a conference


Paper presentation at RC21 online Conference.
How does incremental housing strategy in informal settlement upgrading /slum upgrading generate solutions to the inequality and displacement sub-Saharan African cities? What are the existing implementation strategies in the related countries, and how can informal settlement redevelopment design approaches be improved by aligning goals with incremental housing approaches?
Fifty five percent of the African continent live in informal settlements/ slums. Informal Settlement Upgrading (ISU) in the context of this study refers to an improvement of physical environment in informal settlements as well as the economic and social improvement of that area (Abbott, 2001; The World Bank, 1999). ISU aims not to eradicate informality, but instead to work with communities based in informal settlements so they can progressively improve their own livelihoods and housing environments. (Madonsela 2012 and Housing Development Agency, 2015). This upgrading process can also take the form of informal settlement redevelopment/ slum redevelopment which includes the demolition and displacement of inhabitants.
These upgrading projects deal with thousands of inhabitants at a time, and the incremental housing approach has been utilized in a number of instances, both in upgrading and redevelopment. This paper will be a review of the history of informal settlement/ slum upgrading and redevelopment in sub-Saharan Africa. It will review strategies such as incremental housing and other development and design approaches that have taken place in sub-Saharan African cities and in doing this analyse how the various approaches has addresses displacement and inequality in these spaces.
Period16 Jul 2021
Event titleRC21 Conference (Online)
Event typeConference