Landscape Research Methods

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


The second Ph.D. Landscape Community Colloquium presents the ongoing Ph.D. works from the Section of Landscape Architecture at TU Delft by discussing research methods in landscape architecture. Landscape research methods encompass diverse approaches to under-standing, analyzing, and designing landscapes. They are crucial for in-vestigating various aspects of landscapes, from their ecological func-tions to their social and cultural dimensions.
Research methods in landscape architecture embrace empirical in-quiry, design thinking, and stakeholder engagement, ranging from site analysis to design research, from participatory methods to interviews and questionnaires, from fieldwork to case studies, etc.
By employing diverse research methods, landscape architects can gain insights into the complex interactions between people, environments, and landscapes and develop innovative practices.
The Colloquium will seek to address the following questions. What methods do landscape researchers use? Are they different from those of other disciplines? How could they be implemented?
Ph.D. candidates will present one research method used in their re-search, describe it, and argue how and why this method is relevant to their research.
Period30 Sept 2024
Event typeSeminar
LocationDelft, NetherlandsShow on map
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • landscape research methods
  • PhD Colloquium