Media coverage
Media coverage
Title NRC checkt: Klimaatverandering zorgt niet voor meer schade in Europa Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet NRC Handelsblad Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 23/06/18 Persons D. Paprotny, Antonia Sebastian, S.N. Jonkman, O. Morales Napoles Title ONDERZOEK: Bewijs voor toename schade door overstromingen ontbreekt Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet am:web Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 4/06/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Geen grotere verliezen in Europa door overstromingen in de afgelopen 150 jaar Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 31/05/18 Description Men voorspelt in het algemeen dat door het opwarmende klimaat extreme hydrologische gebeurtenissen in Europa vaker zullen voorkomen en meer schade zullen aanrichten. Onderzoekers van de TU Delft en Rice University (Houston) hebben nu echter aangetoond dat in de afgelopen 150 jaar, na correctie voor economische en demografische veranderingen, financiële verliezen en dodelijke slachtoffers door overstromingen niet zijn toegenomen. Ze publiceren hun bevindingen in Nature Communications. Producer/Author Webredactie URL Persons D. Paprotny Title No increase in losses in Europe from floods in the past 150 years Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 31/05/18 Description Extreme hydrological events are generally predicted to become more frequent and damaging in Europe due to warming climate. Researchers from TU Delft and Rice University (Houston) have now shown that, correcting for economic and demographic changes, there has been no increase in financial losses and fatalities from floods in the last 150 years. They have reported on their findings in Nature Communications. Producer/Author Webredactie URL Persons D. Paprotny Title TU Delft: klimaatverandering zorgt niet voor meer schade in Europa Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet RTL Z Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 31/05/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Flooding really was worse in the old days: Deaths and money lost due to severe rainfall has dropped since the 1950s despite climate change Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet The Daily Mail Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 30/05/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Records show more floods across Europe over past 150 years, but fewer deaths and financial losses Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory Isle Of Man Date 30/05/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Flutschäden in Europa sinken Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Spektrum der Wissenschaft Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 30/05/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Unwetter in Europa : Nicht mehr Überflutungen als früher Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Deutschlandfunk Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 30/05/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Flutschaden in Europa: Meta-Analyse belegt sinkende Kosten Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Deutschlandfunk Media type Radio Country/Territory Germany Date 30/05/18 Description Transmitted at 16:37 Persons D. Paprotny, S.N. Jonkman, O. Morales Napoles, Antonia Sebastian Title Minder schade door overstromingen Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Nederlands Dagblad Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 30/05/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, Antonia Sebastian, S.N. Jonkman Title EXTREME FLOOD EVENTS DECREASING IN EUROPE DESPITE GLOBAL WARMING Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet The Global Warming Policy Forum Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 29/05/18 Description Reposted from The Times URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Μεγαλύτερες οι πλημμύρες στην Ευρώπη τα τελευταία 150 χρόνια - Λιγότερα τα θύματα Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet I Kathimerini Media type Web Country/Territory Greece Date 29/05/18 URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian Title Flooding really was worse in the old days Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet The Times Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 29/05/18 Producer/Author Oliver Moody URL Persons D. Paprotny, O. Morales Napoles, S.N. Jonkman, Antonia Sebastian