Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Higher up and further out Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 1/08/17 Description Dr Axelle Viré is Assistant Professor at the department of Aerodynamics, Wind Energy & Propulsion (AWEP). Her work focuses on the numerical modelling of floating wind turbines and airborne wind energy devices. “The future of wind energy lies in moving higher up into the sky and further out at sea. This will open up new markets and sites that are still left unexplored,” she says. Producer/Author redactie URL Persons A.C. Viré Title Hoger en verder Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag Country/Territory Netherlands Date 1/08/17 Description Dr. Axelle Viré is universitair docent bij de afdeling Aerodynamics, Wind Energy & Propulsion (AWEP). Ze werkt aan de numerieke modellering van drijvende en vliegende windturbines. “De toekomst van windenergie ligt hoger in de lucht en verder op zee. Daarmee worden nieuwe markten aangeboord en komen we letterlijk op onontgonnen gebied”, zegt ze. Producer/Author redactie URL Persons A.C. Viré