Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Jin Maruhashi genomineerd voor Best Climate Action Paper 2022 Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 7/03/23 Description Promovendus Jin Maruhashi is door de TU Delft genomineerd als een van de vier Best Climate Action Paper van 2022. Tijdens de uitreiking van de Best Climate Action & Energy Paper Award, die op woensdag 15 maart wordt gehouden, zal hij zijn onderzoek presenteren over hoe luchtvaart en neurowetenschap gecombineerd kunnen worden. URL Persons J. Maruhashi, V. Grewe, Christine Frömming, Patrick Jöckel, I.C. Dedoussi Title Jin Maruhashi nominated for Best Climate Action Paper 2022 Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 7/03/23 Description We are proud of our PhD candidate Jin Maruhashi who has been nominated by TU Delft as one of the four Best Climate Action Paper 2022. At the Best Climate Action & Energy Paper Award ceremony, to be held on Wednesday 15 March, he will present his research about how aviation and neuroscience can be combined. URL Persons J. Maruhashi, V. Grewe, Christine Frömming, Patrick Jöckel, I.C. Dedoussi