Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Supply Chain Disruption: An underestimated climate impact? Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Forum Network Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 1/11/22 Description Waterborne transport is critical to the global economy, and the historic 2022 droughts exposed how vulnerable inland shipping can be to water shortage. This raises concerns over a climate impact that so far seems to have been underestimated: supply chain disruption. Producer/Author Mark van Koningsveld URL Persons M. van Koningsveld Title Fiercely hot summer takes its toll on river transport worldwide Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Splash Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Date 19/08/22 Description This year’s record-breaking heat in the northern hemisphere’s summer and lack of rainfall has seen a reduction in water levels around the globe, impeding river transport of grain, diesel, coal and other commodities, which is driving up costs and making material supplies scarce. Producer/Author Adis Ajdin URL Persons M. van Koningsveld Title 'Zet scheepvaart hoger op de klimaatagenda' Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet De Ingenieur Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 23/07/22 Description Column Producer/Author Mark van Koningsveld URL Persons M. van Koningsveld Title ‘Meer aandacht nodig voor scheepvaart in klimaatbeleid’ Media name/outlet Scheepvaartkrant Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 9/06/22 URL Persons M. van Koningsveld
Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Groene EU-plannen in gevaar door opdrogen rivieren Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet NPO Bureau Buitenland VPRO Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 12 min Country/Territory Netherlands Date 25/08/22 Description Europa maakt de ergste droogte mee in 500 jaar. Door het opdrogen van rivieren komen de ambitieuze plannen van Brussel in gevaar. Het transport over de waterwegen is een belangrijke pijler van de groene agenda van de EU-Commissie. Hoogleraar Havens & Scheepvaartwegen Mark van Koningsveld vreest dat Brussel door gebrek aan investeringen de boot mist. URL Persons M. van Koningsveld