Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Samenwerking met Embraer wint von Kármán Award for International Cooperation in Aeronautics Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 7/10/24 Description Op 12 september werd tijdens de ICAS-conferentie in Florence de internationaal gerenommeerde von Kármán Award for International Cooperation in Aeronautics uitgereikt aan het Aeroelastic Tailoring Project onder leiding van Embraer. De groep van Roeland De Breuker bij Aerospace Structures and Materials is partner in dit project dat nieuwe technologie en innovaties bedenkt voor lichtgewicht composiet vliegtuigvleugels. URL Persons R. De Breuker, S. Giovani Pereira Castro, H.F. Maathuis Title Collaboration with Embraer wins von Kármán Award for International Cooperation in Aeronautics Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet TU Delft Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 7/10/24 Description On 12 September at the ICAS conference in Florence, the internationally renowned von Kármán Award for International Cooperation in Aeronautics was awarded to the Aeroelastic Tailoring Project led by Embraer. The group of Roeland De Breuker at Aerospace Structures and Materials is partner in this project that comes up with new technology and innovations for lightweight composite aircraft wings. URL Persons R. De Breuker, H.F. Maathuis, S. Giovani Pereira Castro