Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier Just Lost Enough Ice to Cover Manhattan 5 Times Over Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Live science Media type Web Date 30/10/18 Producer/Author Laura Geggel URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title Giant Antarctic iceberg snaps into the ocean after forming ominous crack Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Mashable Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Date 30/10/18 Producer/Author Mark Kaufman URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title An Iceberg Bigger Than Manhattan Just Broke Off From Antarctica Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet IFLscience Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Date 30/10/18 Description A large iceberg that's considerably larger than Manhattan has broken off from Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier in a large calving event. Producer/Author Jonathan O'Callaghan URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title Riss in einem der größten Antarktis-Gletscher: Pine-Island-Gletscher könnte einen Eisberg der Größe Dortmunds verlieren Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Scinexx Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Germany Date 10/10/18 Description Bruch im Eis: Der Pine-Island-Gletscher in der Westantarktis steht vor dem Abbruch eines riesigen Eisbergs. Satellitenbilder zeigen einen großen Riss, der bereits durch drei Viertel der Gletscherzunge zieht. Setzt sich der 30 Kilometer lange Bruch fort, könnte ein Eisberg von 300 Quadratkilometern Größe vom Gletscher abbrechen. Damit würde die Eisfront des am schnellsten strömenden Gletschers der Antarktis erneut um sechs Kilometer zurückweichen. Producer/Author redactie URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title Gunung Es Raksasa Pecahkan Gletser di Pulau Pine Antartika, Ini Penjelasan Ahli Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet LIputan6 Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Indonesia Date 10/10/18 Producer/Author Afra Augesti URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title An Enormous Iceberg Is Threatening to Break Off Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Science alert Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 10/10/18 Description Antarctica's Pine Island glacier could soon lose another massive chunk of ice, with signs of a 30 kilometre (19 mile) long crack appearing along its surface. Producer/Author Mike Mcrae URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title Serious break-up: Antarctica’s Pine Island glacier is about to lose another enormous piece Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Quartz Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Country/Territory Netherlands Date 9/10/18 Description According to recent satellite photos, Antarctica’s Pine Island glacier has developed a 18 mile (30 km) rift, indicating it could soon lose another huge chunk. Geoscientist Stef Lhermitte, an assistant professor at Delft University in the Netherlands, tweeted a gif contrasting a riftless glacier on Sept. 17 with the same glacier showing a visible rift on Oct. 1, indicating that the huge crack appeared sometime during the last couple weeks of September. Producer/Author Jane C. Hu URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title Huge Iceberg Poised to Break Off Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Livescience Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Date 9/10/18 Description A newly discovered long and craggy rift is splintering across West Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier, satellite images show. Producer/Author Laura Geggel URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte Title Watch: Pine Island glacier readies for another crack Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Euronews Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 1 pag. Date 16/02/18 Producer/Author Rafael Cereceda URL Persons S.L.M. Lhermitte