C-C Fatigue Testing for Impacted Woven-type CFRP Samples



A large woven-type CFRP plate with a thickness of 5.5 mm has been sampled according to ASTM D7136 for CAI testing and subjected to compression-compression (C-C) fatigue testing until failure. 6-PZT transducers are distributed linearly in 3-top 3-bottom configuration. The acquisition step of the experiment is achieved through multiple data acquisition systems: GW, EMI, digital image correlation (DIC), and pulse-echo ultrasonic C-scan. The equipment list in the GW & EMI unit consists of a signal generator, EMI analyzer, multiplexor, oscilloscope, and computer.
Date made available5 Nov 2024
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData
Date of data production2024 -

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