Data accompanying the publication: Quantification of GTPase cycling rates of GTPases and GTPase : effector mixtures using GTPase Glo assays



The publication describes how to use and analyse data generated with the GTPase assay 'GTPase-Glo assay' by Promega. The data set exemplifies the protocol steps (input, analysis code, output files) described in the accompanying publication, using 2 concrete examples. The data set contains the following files: (1) assay data (luminescence/ amount of remaining GTP for various time points and GTPase enzyme concentrations) for Cdc42 and Ras. (2) a python scirpt used to reformat the data. (3) matlab code for data analysis. (4) output data (rates and plots) that the matlab code generates.
Date made available27 Nov 2023
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData

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