Data underlining publication; Communicating sustainable shoes to mainstream consumers:the impact of advertising design on buying intention

  • Mirjam Visser (Creator)
  • V. Gattol (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) (Creator)
  • R.M. van der Helm (Creator)



The masterdata used in the Article "Communicating sustainable shoes to mainstream consumers: the impact of advertisement design on buying intention" We studied the effect of advertisement elements (layout color, benefit type, and heritage) on the products’ perceived sustainability, quality and fashion image, and buying intentions of mainstream consumers. Two hundred adults participated in a study that was based on a 2 (red vs. green layout) × 2 (personal vs. environmental benefit) × 2 (local vs. global heritage) between-subjects factorial design of a sustainable shoe advertisement. The impact of these independent variables on product image as well as on buying intention was analyzed by means of three-way ANOVAs.
Date made available25 Jun 2021
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData

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