Data underlying the chapter: Discovery and synthetic applications of a NAD(P)H-dependent reductive aminase from Rhodococcus erythropolis



This dataset contains data collected during experiments at Delft University of Technology, as Chapter 5 of the dissertation written by Ewald Jongkind. The aim of this work was to find and characterize reductive aminases from ammonia, where we focussed on one enzyme from Rhodococcus with the highest activity. This work was done by searching for new enzymes with EnzymeMiner, express and purify active enzymes and characterize these enzymes. Dataset contains output data from our enzyme search in Excel, images of enzyme purifications, conversions and activities determined with UV-VIS (calculated in Excel), and NMR-spectra of synthesized products. This rough data was uploaded in combination with a draft of the Supporting Information to be submitted for publication.
Date made available2 Aug 2024
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData

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