Data underlying the pending publication: Quantitative proteomics reveals oxygen-induced adaptations in Caldalkalibacillus thermarum TA2.A1 microaerobic chemostat cultures

  • Samuel de Jong (Creator)



This entry contains the necessary information to access the data of the manuscript that is submitted to Environmental Microbiology: "Quantitative proteomics reveals oxygen-induced adaptations in Caldalkalibacillus thermarum TA2.A1 microaerobic chemostat cultures"
By Samuel Ilan de Jong at Delft University of Technology
Supervisors: Mark van Loosdrecht & Duncan McMillan
Department of Biotechnology, Section of Environmental Microbiology
When using this data, please cite this paper
Date made available27 Sept 2023
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData

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