Data underlying the research article "Coherent Coupling of a Diamond Tin-Vacancy Center to a Tunable Open Microcavity". In this physics experiment, we demonstrate and quantify the coherent interaction of a single Tin-Vacancy center in diamond with a fiber-based microcavity and show quantum nonlinear effects together with a simulated model. The measurements are performed in a quantum optics setup.
The dataset contains the measured and simulated data and the python code to analyse and reproduce the figures shown in the main text and appendix. The measurements are conducted with the Python 3 framework Quantum Measurement Interface (QMI) and data is collected with Python-based data acquisition framework Quantify (see appendix for more details and references). The measured and simulated data is stored in individual hdf5 files, with a unique timestamp and identifier. Analysed data is stored in hdf5 files named processed dataset.
Please see the file for instructions on how to analyse the data and reproduce the figures.