Data underlying the publication: Noise amplification and ill-convergence of Richardson-Lucy deconvolution



The dataset pertains to a study on noise amplification and sensitivity for Richardson-Lucy deconvolution of widefield fluorescence microscopy image data. The image data pertains to the MitoTracker red channel (emission wavelength 599 nm) and Alexa Fluor 488 Phalloidin channel (emission wavelength 512 nm), labeling mitochondria and actin, respectively, of a sample of Bovine Pulmonary Arterial Endothelial cells (BPAE-cells, ThermoFisher FluoCells \#1), imaged with a Nikon Ti-E microscope body with a 40X/NA0.95 objective lens with 1.5X magnification adapter, equipped with an sCMOS camera (Teledyne Kinetix, 3200 3200 pixels, pixel size 6.45 micron. In addition, a set of dark images was recorded for the assessment of offset and readout noise, and a through-focus bead measurement for PSF/OTF assessment.
Date made available25 Jun 2024
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData

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