DIC measurements of flexible floating sheet, data underlying the publication: Measuring Hydroelastic Deformation of Very Flexible Floating Structures



This dataset contains the surface elevation and error data of a floating flexible neoprene foam rubber sheet in regular waves from the experiments conducted in Feb. 2020 at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

Two wave conditions were investigated:
1. nominal wavelength 495 mm, nominal wave amplitude 10 mm, model length/wavelength = 10
2. nominal wavelength 990 mm, nominal wave amplitude 20 mm, model length/wavelength = 5

A description of the experiments can be found in the publication below.

Schreier, S. and Jacobi, G. (2020). Measuring Hydroelastic Deformation of Very Flexible Floating Structures. In Piatek, L., de Graaf, R.E., Lim, S.H. and Wang, C.W.(Eds.) WCFS2020 - Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Floating Solutions, Rotterdam. Springer. ISBN 978-981-16-2256-4.(in press)

Data is stored in Matlab .mat format with Matlab R2020b Update 3. Structure "test_info" contains metadata decribing the test, facility, model, and the data. Measurement data is stored per time step in cell array "Frame". X and Y coordinates as well as surface elevation Z and total elevation error H_err are stored in matrices of the same size. Corresponding data points are identified by the same matrix indices. Surface elevation and error data is stored once in dimensional form and once in non-dimensional form, the latter normalized by the amplitude of the incoming waves. Normalization is indicated by expression "norm" in the file name and by variable "test_info.norm".
Date made available20 Apr 2021
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData

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