This dataset contains relevant MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) code and supporting data in relation to CHAPTER 3 of the dissertation 'Advances in Dynamic Inversion-based Flight Control Law Design: Multivariable Analysis and Synthesis of Robust and Multi-Objective Design Solutions' by T.S.C. Pollack (2024) [DOI: 10.4233/uuid:28617ba0-461d-48ef-8437-de2aa41034ea]. It concerns multi-loop robust synthesis of Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (INDI) based control laws against mixed uncertainty. Data is generated using MATLAB's Control System Toolbox routines, such as SYSTUNE. For more information, we refer to the respective thesis chapter / publication.
The following datasets are related:
1) MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) Code and Supporting Data for Analysis of Inversion Strategy on Robustness of IDI-based Control Laws (DOI:
2) MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) Code and Supporting Data for Assessment of Commonalities between Hybrid INDI-based and PID-based Flight Control Design (DOI:
3) MATLAB/SIMULINK(R) Code and Supporting Data for Design of Multi-objective Incremental Control Allocation-based Flight Control Laws (DOI: