North Sea Wave Database (NSWD) 1980-1988



North Sea Wave Database (NSWD)
The dataset contains each year of spectral metocean condition for Significant Wave Height (HSIGN) and wave energy period (TMM10), in meters and seconds.
Each variable has a year timestap which the data corresponds too i.e 1980. The latitudes and longitudes of the dataset have resolution of 0.025 degrees at each direction. Latitude starting coordinate is 50 degrees and Longitude 0. For more information on the process that developed the dataset, the methodogies followed, calibration, valdiation and sensitivity analysis,
see: Lavidas, G., & Polinder, H. (2019). North Sea Wave Database (NSWD) and the Need for Reliable Resource Data: A 38 Year Database for Metocean and Wave Energy Assessments. Atmosphere, 10(9), Lavidas, G., & Polinder, H. (2019). Wind effects in the parametrisation of physical characteristics for a nearshore wave model. Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 1-6 September 2019, Naples, Italy. The dataset was produced by Dr George Lavidas during the WAVe Resource for Electrical Production (WAVREP, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 787344. The dataset is accompanied by two publication that (i) present the calibration-validation and production (ii) analysis of the dataset. The official CORDIS website is
A list of outcomes for the NSWD and the WAVREP project is found at the researcher's page: It can also be found at the official CORDIS website Sharing and Access information
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Date made available30 Apr 2020

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