Supplementary files to chapter 3 entitled: Mechanical Controls on the Development and Saturation of Conjugate Shear Fracture Networks

  • Q.D. (Quinten) Boersma (Creator)



This dataset contains the following:
* the raw abaqus data files (.odb) (Folder: ODB_Output)
* Abaqus input files (.inp)
* Used abaqus CAE files (models)
* extracted csv data files (Folder: Output_CSV)
* Fracture propagation files (Folder: FracturePropagationFiles)
* Principal_RotationOutput folder: (Output of the python scripts)
* Folder containing the python scripts used in this project (Folder: PythonScripts)
Date made available27 May 2020
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData
Date of data production2016 - 2019

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