Supporting dataset for "Multi-model assessment of the atmospheric and radiative effects of supersonic transport aircraft"

  • J.A. van 't Hoff (Creator)
  • V. Grewe (Creator)
  • I.C. Dedoussi (Creator)
  • Didier Hauglustaine (Creator)
  • Johannes Pletzer (Creator)
  • Agnieszka Skowron (Creator)
  • Sigrun Matthes (Creator)
  • Maximilian M. Meuser (Creator)
  • Robin N. Thor (Creator)



This dataset is a supporting dataset for "Intermodel comparison of the atmospheric composition changes due to emissions from a potential future supersonic aircraft fleet" (DOI: XX_to_be_updated_when_minted_XX). This dataset contains all data necessary to reproduce the results of the publication.

In this work four state-of-the-science atmospheric chemistry transport models (EMAC, GEOS-Chem, LMDZ-INCA, MOZART-3) are used to evaluate the effects of three supersonic emission scenarios on a 2050 atmosphere. The future atmosphere and emissions are based on the SSP 3.7 scenario.

For each of the models this dataset includes the volume mixing ratio (vmr) and mass distribution of several key species through the atmosphere during the last years of model integration. The LMDZ-INCA and GEOS-Chem data span a 3 year interval, whereas 6 years of data is provided for EMAC and the MOZART-3 data is already annually averaged. We refer to the associated publication for more information regarding these timescales.

The dataset contains atmospheric histories for 4 different emission scenarios, denoted as A0 to A3. The A0 scenario is a baseline scenario with no supersonic aviation (only subsonic). In the A1 scenario part of the subsonic civil aviation is replaced by supersonic aircraft operating at mach 2/0. Scenario A2 is a variant of A1 with triple the emission of nitrogen oxides from the supersonic aircraft, and scenario A3 considers the partial replacement of subsonic civil aviation with mach 1.6 supersonic aircraft instead at a lower cruise altitude. For detailed descriptions of the scenarios we refer to the associated publication.

The files are named using the following convention (MODEL)_(SCENARIO)_(VARIABLE).nc4, for example the file GEOS-Chem_A1_H2O_mass.nc4 contains H2O mass distributions for the A1 scenario from the GEOS-Chem model. The following variables are included in this dataset:

halogen_vmr: Volume mixing ratios of halogen species (time, lat, lon, pressure) [mol mol-1]
H2O_mass: Mass distribution of H2O (time, lat, lon, pressure) [kg]
H2O_vmr: Volume mixing ratio of H2O (time, lat, lon, pressure) [mol mol-1]
NOx_mass: Mass distribution of NOx (time, lat, lon, pressure) [kg (NO2)]
NOx_vmr: Volume mixing ratio of NOx (time, lat, lon, pressure) [mol mol-1]
NOy_vmr: Volume mixing ratio of NOy (time, lat, lon, pressure) [mol mol-1]
O3_columns: Ozone columns in dobson units (time, lat, lon) [DU]
O3_mass: Mass distribution of O3 (time, lat, lon, pressure) [kg]
O3_vmr: Volume mixing ratio of O3 (time, lat, lon, pressure) [mol mol-1]
OddOx_ClOxBrOx_loss: Odd Oxygen loss rate to ClOx and BrOx families (time, lat, lon, pressure) [molec cm-3 s-1] (For EMAC split into ClOx and BrOx files separately)
OddOx_HOx_loss: Odd Oxygen loss rate to HOx family (time, lat, lon, pressure) [molec cm-3 s-1]
OddOx_NOx_loss: Odd Oxygen loss rate to NOx family (time, lat, lon, pressure) [molec cm-3 s-1]
OddOx_Ox_loss: Odd Oxygen loss rate to Ox family (time, lat, lon, pressure) [molec cm-3 s-1]
BC_mmr: Mass mixing ratio of black carbon (time, lat, lon, pressure) [kg m-3]
SO4_mmr: Mass mixing ratio of sulfate (time, lat, lon, pressure) [kg m-3]
tropopause_pressure: Model tropopause pressure (time,lat,lon) [hPa]
temp: Atmospheric temperature fields; only for EMAC. (time,lat,lon,pressure) [Kelvin]

For the MOZART-3 model some data is provided as differences instead, where the SCENARIO entry of (A1-A0) indicates a file with data of the difference between the respective fields of the A1 and A0 scenarios.
Date made available3 Jan 2025
PublisherTU Delft - 4TU.ResearchData

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