Providing the source code and case settings for the simulations used in "Numerical Investigation of Regenerative Wind Farms Featuring Enhanced Vertical Energy Entrainment".
## Source code
Source code for "flyingActuationDiskSource" is in the directory "src". Please compile it by executing the file "Allwmake". Version of the OpenFOAM used in this work is "OpenFOAM v2106". Note that in the file "./src/Make/files", token "yourPATH" should be changed to the path where one would like to store the .so file. For convenience, .so file is provided in directory "platform".
## Case files
Each case is stored in separate directories. Names of the directories should be self explainable. Note that the file "system/controlDict" of each case also contain a token "yourPATH", which should be changed to where the .so file is stored.
Notice: when decomposing the domain, make sure that all the actuator elements of one MRSL are included in a single processor. This should be done since while smearing the body force, an actuator element in a processor cannot spread the information to another processor, making some of the forces "missing".
Notice: Not all the fields in "constant/fvOptions" are used. Some of them are completely useless and removable, while some of them should not be removed even they are not used (used in the constructor). Please check the source code for further details.
## Case submitting
"" is an example of the job file used for this work.
## Computing resources estimation
A case took up about 80GB at most, and took around 48 hr on 144 cores when using "2x Intel Xeon E5-6248R 24C 3.0GHz" (computaional resources provided by Delft High Performance Computing Centre,