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Bakkersgist voor Biobrandstof: Een doorbraak in de Industriele Biotechnologie.
Pronk, J.T. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Beste afstudeerder van het jaar 2012
Mans, R. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best lecturer of the Applied Sciences faculty 2014
Pronk, J.T. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
DSM Awards for Chemistry and Technology, 2005, Vaalsbroek, Chateau, 6 juni 2005
van Maris, A.J.A. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Harry Toop Memorial Prize for Exellence in scientific writing
Abbott, DA (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
International Metabolic Engineering Award
Pronk, J.T. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Kiemprijs Algemene Microbiologie 2003
Boer, VM (Recipient), 1800
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Production of Bio-PDOtm from renewable resources, 2005, DuPont Sustainable Growth Excellence Award
van Maris, A.J.A. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Teacher of the year award Life Science and Technology
Pronk, J.T. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Westerdijk Award
Gorter de Vries, A.R. (Recipient), 1 Apr 2020
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Winner Bachiene Prize (for the first time by the Thorbecke-Bachiene Stichting).
Pronk, J.T. (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)