Activities per year
- 300 - 350 out of 606 results
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Mensen mobiliseren: crowdsourcing en innovatie in de watersector
N. Doorn (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
De waarde van water: meer dan gebruikswaarde
N. Doorn (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Development and Change (Journal)
S.T.H. Storm (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Responsible innovation of shale gas...
B. Taebi (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Water and justice: towards an ethics of water governance
N. Doorn (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Embedding social responsibility in the design of offshore wind energy systems
R.W. Kunneke (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
The foundations of indirect measurement and model laws
S.D. Zwart (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Platform wars for socially responsible smart grids
G. van de Kaa (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Critical infrastructures: Aligning institutions and technology
R.W. Kunneke (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Philosophia Scientiae (Journal)
S.D. Zwart (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Economics of Infrastructures
R.W. Kunneke (Invited speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Junior Associate, Global Catastrophic Risk Institute
S. Umbrello (Advisor)
1 Jan 2013 → 6 Nov 2018Activity: Consultancy
Responsible innovation of shale gas...
U. Pesch (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Philosophy & Technology (Journal)
S. Roeser (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
International Journal of Technology and Design Education (Journal)
M.J. de Vries (Editor)
2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Safety Science (Journal)
F.W. Guldenmund (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Springer (Publisher)
S. Roeser (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Philosophy & Technology (Journal)
PE Vermaas (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Platform wars, energy subsidies and values for management innovations
G. van de Kaa (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology (Journal)
I.R. van de Poel (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Springer (Publisher)
I.R. van de Poel (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Responsibilities in regulating nano-cosmetics
N. Doorn (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Responsible innovation of shale gas
B. Taebi (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Platform wars, energy subsidies and values for management innovations
C.P. van Beers (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Springer (Publisher)
N. Doorn (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Wiley (Publisher)
G.L.L.M.E. Reniers (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Embedding social responsibility in the design of offshore energy systems
R.W. Kunneke (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Organization of the 16th economics of infrastructures conference
R.W. Kunneke (Organiser)
2013 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference
The development of regulatory institutions: Exploring change in the regulation of the US and EU gas transportation systems
A.F. Correlje (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Responsible innovation of shale gas...
A.F. Correlje (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Value sensitive design: The case of shale gas exploitation
U. Pesch (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Risico, ethiek en emoties
S. Roeser (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Inclusive innovation (lezing)
C.P. van Beers (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (Journal)
R.W. Kunneke (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Responsible innovation of shale gas
A.F. Correlje (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Neuroethics (Journal)
G.J.C. Lokhorst (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Responsible innovation of shale gas
U. Pesch (Speaker)
2013 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Ethics and Information Technology (Journal)
M.J. van den Hoven (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
The 22nd European safety and reliability (ESREL 2013) annual conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Event)
Pieter van Gelder (Editor)
29 Sept 2013 → 2 Oct 2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (Journal)
R.W. Kunneke (Editor)
2012 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
The development of regulatory institutions: Exploring change in the regulation of the US and EU gas transportation systems
A.F. Correlje (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Moral emotions and risk politics
S. Roeser (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
The acceptability of shale gas
B. Taebi (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
A chain of values: Connecting up- and down-stream governance
A.F. Correlje (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Ethical intuitions as emotions
S. Roeser (Invited speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences) summer school on emotional rationality
S. Roeser (Member)
2012 → …Activity: Other
Making sense of splintered transactions: Refining the crude material
A.F. Correlje (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Aanbod, vraag en prijsbepaling in een wereld gasmarkt : What about Europe?
A.F. Correlje (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop, seminar, course or other meeting
Moral emotions and risk politics : an emotional deliberation approach to risk
S. Roeser (Speaker)
2012 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference