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Research profile

Anna Batallé is an architect passionate about the impact and possibilities new technological advancements can bring to the built environment and society. Anna holds both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Architecture and a Master’s in Robotics and Advanced Construction (Mrac) from IaaC. She worked as a Researcher for Ceràmica Cumella (2020), a ceramic company whose work has been used by architects such as Enric Miralles, Jean Nouvel, and Renzo Piano, targeting her work on the potential of robotic fabrication applied to tailored ceramics manufacturing. After this experience, Anna started working as a Researcher at Eurecat – Technology Centre of Catalonia, on several projects related to robotics and construction technologies that support the decarbonisation of building stocks. She is currently undertaking a PhD at TUDelft as part of the research group Design and Construction Management. Her research focuses on creating widespread material reuse practices in the construction sector through the use of digital tools and the implementation of automated workflows.


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