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Carolina Centeio Jorge (pronunciation [kɐɾulˈinɐ] [sẽtˈɐju] [ʒˈɔɾʒɨ]) received her Master's in Informatics and Computing Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) in 2019. On the side, she also took part in research projects both at University of Porto and INESCTEC. Her Master thesis was done in collaboration with University of Twente and focused on Exceptional Behaviour Discovery, where she used data mining techniques to study patterns in social interactions. After graduating, Carolina took part in Vulcanus in Japan program, where she could experience a traineeship in Computer Vision and Deep Learning at Omron Sinic X Corp., in Tokyo, Japan. Since October 2020, Carolina is a PhD student at the Interactive Intelligence group of TU Delft. Her PhD has a special focus on mental models in the context of human‐AI teams, such as enabling artificial agents (e.g., robots) to understand and predict human teammates and effectively act accordingly. Carolina's main research interests lie in Behaviour Analysis and Pattern Recognition.


  • QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
  • Human-AI Teamwork
  • Hybrid Intelligence
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • HART
  • BF Psychology
  • Teamwork
  • human behaviour
  • Trust


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