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Academic background

Birgit Jürgenhake, architect, PhD, assistant professor at TU Delft, graduated in Architecture in Karlsruhe, Germany She lives in the Netherlands since 1990. From a practising architect she developed to a teacher and researcher at TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (from 2004 onwards). People in our built environment and social issues form the basis of both her education and her research. During her dissertation on the façade of the residential houses in the urban environment, she investigated who actually determines the facade: the architect, the government with its legislation, the culture, the ‘zeitgeist’ or the resident? Below more the conclusions of this thesis have inspired her later to work together with an anthropologist and to focus on the resident himself, who, in her opinion, remains underexposed when it comes to choices about housing and the living environment. In recent years, her research interest has shifted towards health and care, especially the living situation of the elderly people in need of care. She combines the research method of observation, interviews, and notes. In collaboration with Habion, a housing association that specializes in housing for the elderly, she developed the education and research program ‘Designing for Care’. From anthropological and participatory research on the daily patterns of the elderly, new design criteria are developed. In 2018 she followed a training ‘design for dementia’ for architects in the UK. In 2022 she expanded the graduation studio towards ‘Designing for Health and Care’.


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