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Research profile

Roel Schipper graduated in 1993 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Delft and worked for 15 years as practicing engineer in building physics and structural design consultancy. He was active in the design of museums, industrial buildings, penitentiaries, offices, residential buildings, hydraulic and general civil structures. The type of consultancy activities he carried out and is still interested in are building physics evaluations, design code verification, wind tunnel research, on-site damage investigation, structural design, and foundation monitoring and refurbishment. 

Since 2008 he is lecturer-researcher, teaching courses in structural design and facade design in both the bachelor and the master programme Civil Engineering, and doing research on a wide range of topics.

In 2015, Roel obtained his PhD on the manufacturing of double-curved concrete panels for formwork or facade panels, using the flexible mould method

From 2018 to 2020, he took up a part-time appointment at Imperial College London as Strategic Senior Teaching Fellow, supporting the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering with further improvement of their pedagogy, teaching methods and with the curriculum review of undergraduate and MSc programmes.

Currently, Roel is one of the track coordinators of the MSc Civil Engineering track Structural Engineering. He has tutored over 230 BSc and MSc students during their thesis projects. He is active in the curriculum redesign and admisison committees for the MSc Civil Engineering. His present interests are educational research, curriculum development in higher education, parametric design, digital fabrication and forensic damage investigation.


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