Personal profile

Academic background

Jakob graduated from the MSc Hydraulic Engineering at TU Delft in January 2021, with his thesis ‘Quantifying parameter uncertainty in predictions of coastal mega-nourishments’. After graduating he worked as a teaching assistant at Hydraulic Engineering and helped organise the 8th international Coastal Dynamics conference in Delft, in June/July 2021. In September 2021 he started as a PhD candidate at the Coastal Engineering section.

Research profile

Jakob’s PhD research is about 'Nature-based solutions to enable sea turtle nesting on sandy beaches'. Sea turtles are endangered marine animals who depend on sandy beaches as their nesting habitat. Many sea turtle nesting beaches face degradation due to erosion and/or continous flooding. In his PhD, Jakob is trying to characterize preferential nesting conditions for sea turtles and find ways to enable nesting on sandy beaches through nature-based solutions.

Research interests

coastal engineering, sea turtles, sea turtle nesting, nature-based solutions, building with nature, sandy beaches, numerical modelling, machine learning, data science, python, flooding, erosion, sea level rise, coastal squeeze

Education/Academic qualification

Master's degree, MSc in Civil Engineering (Track Hydraulic Engineering), Delft University of Technology

1 Sept 201829 Jan 2021

Award Date: 29 Jan 2021

Bachelor's degree, BSc Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology

1 Sept 20142 Jul 2018

Award Date: 2 Jul 2018


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