Comenius Programme Teaching Fellows 2023: Climate change as a game. (Co)designing with children the landscape of the future

Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively


Today’s new generations, and in particular children and young people, will face consistent landscape changes during their existence. Can we create consciousness in young generations of how climate change will modify landscapes and cities? Can we involve children and young people in co-designing the landscape considering climate change? Starting from exploring different forms of games, this design course aims to educate and engage younger generations in climate change issues. Students will involve children in co-designing the landscape of the future through material and role games. Connecting tertiary with primary education will be the main pedagogical and didactical innovation.
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting OrganisationsThe Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO), The Hague


  • climate change as a game
  • co-design with children
  • future landscapes
