Interaction with sea- and lake ice has to be considered in design of offshore wind turbines, and can be governing for both support structure and rotor-nacelle-assembly. Currently, one has to rely on simplified methods as defined in relevant design standards (IEC 61400, ISO 19906), or the use of uncoupled models to generate ice load time traces which are then input to the support structure designer's simulation model. In practice the simplified methods predict such significant structural vibrations that feasible design of the structure becomes impossible. The alternative, uncoupled analysis, often creates inapplicable and unphysical results.
In the SHIVER project TU Delft and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy B.V. develop a design tool which allows to overcome the challenges associated with current design methods and provides a means for optimized design of wind turbine support structures in ice prone regions.
Short description
TU Delft builds on a decade of research into the problem of dynamic ice-structure interaction. Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy B.V. as an internationally 20190604_SHIVER_PPS_Allowance_Application.docx 6/10 operating turbine manufacturer brings project specific experience and expert knowledge required for the development of the design tool.
The project will result in benchmark model-scale data for wind turbines in interaction with ice from ice basin experiments at Aalto University, Finland. This data and results of smallscale ice crushing experiments executed at TU Delft, are used to improve and validate the existing ice load model. The validated model will be used by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy B.V. to identify potentially governing ice load cases for offshore wind turbine design