3D pgRouting and visualization in Cesium JS using the integrated model of LADM and IndoorGML

Abdullah Alattas, Marian de Vries, Martijn Meijers, Sisi Zlatanova, Peter van Oosterom

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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A web-based application has been developed, exploiting the integrated model of LADM andIndoorGML to provide indoor navigation based on the user's access rights in an educationalbuilding. Different types of users (students, teachers, visitors, etc.) have different access rights,which also depend on the exact time (e.g. inside or outside office hours). A 3D BIM IFC fileof a building has been geo-referenced and converted into a LADM complaint database inPostgreSQL/PostGIS and is enriched with information about access rights based on therelationship between users, time and indoor spaces. The PostgreSQL extension pgRouting hasbeen used for the actual routing. To support the access rights-based routing, the databasecontains several tables to represent nodes, edges, parties (users), and rights. There is one overallnetwork for the whole building, and database views are used to dynamically select the relevantnodes and edges based on the time and the user’s rights. The Dijkstra algorithm is used tocompute the shortest path. Finally, the 3D geospatial web-platform Cesium JS is used to createa client GUI allowing to specify start and destination, the user and time, and to visualize thenavigation routes. As this GUI is web-based it can run on different platforms, such as desktops,laptops, tablets and mobile phones. This paper provides a complete description of all the stepsto design, develop and test the integrated model of LADM and IndoorGML.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFIG Working Week 2021 20-25 June. : Smart Surveyors for land and Water Management - Challenges in a New Reality
PublisherInternational Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
Number of pages33
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-92853-65-3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2021
EventFIG e-Working Week 2021 -
Duration: 20 Jun 202125 Jun 2021


ConferenceFIG e-Working Week 2021


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