3D Printing Wood for Custom-design Window Frames

Serdar Așut, A. Alberts Coelho, M. Turrin, U. Knaack

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeChapterScientific

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Given the urgent sustainability goals, the construction industry is actively seeking renewable and recyclable biobased materials. In this research, cellulose and lignin, the most abundant biopolymers on earth, were studied as fundamental building blocks to create an innovative bio-based material to 3D print elements for the construction industry. Having obtained a 3D printable paste, the study presented in this paper delved into the 3D printing possibilities by using a clay extruder mounted on a robotic arm. A window frame was used as test case, addressing the existing gap in replacing or enhancing current window frames. To better understand the printing process and explore various geometric configurations, a section of a window frame was printed as proof of the concept.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAM Perspectives
Subtitle of host publicationResearch in additive manufacturing for architecture and construction
EditorsPhilipp L. Rosendahl, Bruno Figueiredo, Michela Turrin, Ulrich Knaack, Paulo J.S. Cruz
PublisherSOAP | Stichting OpenAccess Platforms
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)978-989-8963-91-8
ISBN (Print)978-90-833861-8-8
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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