A block-based numerical strategy for modeling the dynamic out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced brick masonry walls

Amirhossein Ghezelbash*, Antonio Maria D’Altri, Satyadhrik Sharma, Paulo B. Lourenço, Jan G. Rots, Francesco Messali

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In this paper, a numerical procedure is proposed to simulate the dynamic out-of-plane response of unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. A state-of-the-art damaging block-based model, originally developed for quasi-static simulations, is extended for the first time in a dynamic regime. The blocks are represented using solid 3D finite elements governed by a plastic-damage constitutive law for both tension and compression. A cohesive-frictional contact-based formulation is used to account for interactions between the blocks. A simplified mechanical characterization is formulated to improve efficiency in wall-level analyses. Dynamic simulation is performed using a generalized HHT-α direct integration implicit solver and by implementing Rayleigh damping in the bulk. Such consideration allows the use of both mass and stiffness proportional terms of the Rayleigh damping without compromising efficiency. The strategy is applied to simulate incremental dynamic experiments performed on full-scale walls, showing good agreement between numerical and experimental results. The calibrated numerical model is then optimized to reduce computational effort while maintaining accuracy. The optimized model is used to investigate the effect of relative support motion on the one-way bending out-of-plane seismic response of URM walls, demonstrating the potential of the modeling strategy to explore the effect of boundary conditions that occur in real buildings but are often overlooked in laboratory experiments. This investigation also explores the adequacy of simplifications in capturing the effect of relative support motion, which can be adopted for simple modeling strategies commonly used in standard engineering practice.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Differential motions
  • Dynamic
  • Masonry
  • One-way bending
  • Out-of-plane
  • Rayleigh damping


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