A model for cell migration in non-isotropic fibrin networks with an application to pancreatic tumor islets

Jiao Chen*, Daphne Weihs, Fred J. Vermolen

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Cell migration, known as an orchestrated movement of cells, is crucially important for wound healing, tumor growth, immune response as well as other biomedical processes. This paper presents a cell-based model to describe cell migration in non-isotropic fibrin networks around pancreatic tumor islets. This migration is determined by the mechanical strain energy density as well as cytokines-driven chemotaxis. Cell displacement is modeled by solving a large system of ordinary stochastic differential equations where the stochastic parts result from random walk. The stochastic differential equations are solved by the use of the classical Euler–Maruyama method. In this paper, the influence of anisotropic stromal extracellular matrix in pancreatic tumor islets on T-lymphocytes migration in different immune systems is investigated. As a result, tumor peripheral stromal extracellular matrix impedes the immune response of T-lymphocytes through changing direction of their migration.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)367–386
Number of pages20
JournalBiomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Volume17 (2018)
Issue number2
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2017


  • Cell migration
  • Cell-based model
  • Pancreatic tumor islet
  • Semi-stochastic model
  • Stromal extracellular matrix


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