A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity (vol 138, pg 237, 2019): A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity (Acta Neuropathologica, (2019), 138, 2, (237-250), 10.1007/s00401-019-02026-8)

Sven J. van der Lee*, Erik van den Akker, Najada Stringa, Marc Hulsman, Niccolo Tesi, P. Alexopoulos, G. Rossi, J. van der Zee, Marcel J.T. Reinders, More Authors

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Medicine and Dentistry
