A shortcut formula for the 230-MeV proton-induced neutron dose equivalent in concrete after a metal shield, derived from Monte Carlo simulations with MCNPX

A. Taal*, A. van der Kooij, W. J C Okx

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Monte Carlo simulations were performed with MCNPX to determine the neutron dose equivalent in thick concrete after a metal shield, a double-layered shielding configuration. In the simulations, a 230-MeV proton beam impinging on a copper target was used to produce the neutrons. For forward angles up to 30° with respect to the proton beam, it is found that the neutron dose equivalent in thick concrete after a metal layer can be expressed in a single formula. This single formula being the neutron dose equivalent formula for a single thick concrete shield enhanced with an additional exponential term. The exponent of this additional exponential term is related to the relative macroscopic neutron removal cross section of the metal with respect to the concrete. The single formula found fits MCNPX data for the neutron dose equivalent in thick concrete after layers of metal ranging from beryllium to lead. First attempts were made to make this shortcut formula applicable to alloys and compounds of metals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)326-336
Number of pages11
JournalRadiation Protection Dosimetry
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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