AA2UA: Converting all-atom models into their united atom coarse grained counterparts for use in LAMMPS

Eli I. Assaf*, Xueyan Liu, Sandra Erkens

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Atomistic simulations are crucial for understanding material properties at the molecular level but are limited by high computational costs, especially for large, complex systems like bituminous materials. Our team developed a Force-matched United Atom (UA) Coarse Graining (CG) force field to enhance computational efficiency while retaining atomic detail. However, converting all-atom models to CG models is complex, requiring detailed atom-to-bead mapping and compatibility with molecular dynamics (MD) engines like LAMMPS. To address this, we introduce AA2UA, an open-source software that simplifies the conversion of PDB files into LAMMPS-readable structure topology files, facilitating broader use of the developed UA force field.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100686
Number of pages5
JournalSoftware Impacts
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Coarse-grained
  • Molecular Dynamics
  • United Atom


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