Aggregated condition scores bridging the gap between property management and asset management

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientific


    Asset management and property management should be based on objective, reliable information about the performance of buildings and building components. Technical data collected during a condition survey on-site is needed for strategy formulation and for maintenance planning of each estate. Supplementary technical information is needed for the detailed planning and executing of maintenance work. In 2006 a Dutch Standard for Condition Assessment will be introduced. Well-trained building inspectors should be able to provide property managers with objective, reliable information about performance loss and defects of building components. Maintenance managers can exercise control over the maintenance performance levels and maintenance costs. Several housing associations want to use the condition data for their asset management too. Aggregated condition data will be used for setting condition targets for assets and for benchmarking. For benchmarking purposes the condition data could be linked to the figures of the Aedex/IPD Social Housing Property Index. A first analysis of aggregated condition data and maintenance costs of housing estates indicates that the relationship of these facts is not univocal. Aggregated condition marks as well as maintenance costs should be seen as independent indicators for the technical state of housing estates. In this way the data should be used in asset management.
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Title of host publicationENHR conference 2006: Housing in an expanding Europe. Theory, policy, implementation and participation
    EditorsB Cernic Mali,
    Place of PublicationLjubljana, Slovenia
    PublisherUrban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - 2006

    Publication series

    PublisherUrban planning institute of the republic of Slovenia


    • Conf.proc. > 3 pag

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