Alternative aviation fuels in Brazil: Environmental performance and economic feasibility

R. Silva Capaz

Research output: ThesisDissertation (TU Delft)

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The aviation sector is responsible for only 3% of the anthropogenic carbon emissions in the world. However, this transport mode – which demands 3-fold more energy per capita than other collective modes, such as railway and bus transportation – is exclusively supplied by fossil fuels, and it has grown at an impressive rate of 7.5% per year in the last decade in the world. In line with the global aims to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions and the dependency on fossil fuels, the decarbonization of the aviation sector – which is typically based on cost-intensive projects with rigorous quality control – is a challenge...
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Osseweijer, P., Supervisor
  • Posada Duque, J.A., Advisor
  • Seabra, Joaquim E.A., Supervisor, External person
Award date8 Mar 2021
Print ISBNs978-94-6419-172-1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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