An empirical study on travel patterns of internet based ride-sharing

Yongqi Dong, Shuofeng Wang, Li Li*, Zuo Zhang

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125 Citations (Scopus)


The rapid growth of internet based ride-sharing brings great changes to residents' travel and city traffic. However, few studies had employed empirical data to examine the unique travel patterns of internet based ride-sharing trips. In this paper, we compare taxi trip records and internet based ride-sharing trip records provided by DiDi company. Results reveal many interesting findings that had never been reported before. From the viewpoint of service patterns, ride-sharing mainly increases supplies in hot areas and peak hours. By applying a non-negative matrix factorization method, we find that ride-sharing principally serves as an approach for commuting. So, as an effective supplement to traditional taxi service, it regulates spatial and temporal supply-demand imbalance, especially during morning and evening rush periods. From the viewpoint of individual behavior patterns, we use a clustering method to identify two kinds of internet based ride-sharing drivers. The first kind of drivers usually provides ride-sharing along daily home-work commuting. Trips served by these drivers have relatively constant origin-designation (OD) pairs. The second kind of drivers does not serve regularly and roams around the city even in working hours. Therefore, there are no constant OD pairs in their ride-sharing trips. Counterintuitively, we find that home-work commuting drivers account for only a small part of total drivers and they only serve a small number of commuting trips. In addition, internet based ride-sharing is not just traditional hitchhiking worked through mobile internet. We find that internet based ride-sharing drivers intend to make long distance trips, and they intend to detour further to pick up or drop off passengers than traditional hitchhike drivers since they are paid. All these findings are helpful for policy makers at all levels to make informed decisions about deployment of internet based ride-sharing service. This paper also verifies that big data analytics is particularly useful and powerful in the analysis of ride-sharing and taxi service patterns.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-22
Number of pages22
JournalTransportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Ride-sharing
  • Taxis
  • Travel pattern


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