An evaluation of the ice melting during concrete-ice abrasion experiment

Saidkomil S. Saidmurodov, Stefan Jacobsen, Max A.N. Hendriks, Guzel Shamsutdinova*

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The process of ice melting during abrasive interactions with concrete is essential in a variety of contact phenomena. In this paper, we refer to abrasive tests for different samples of concrete with roughness in the range of 9–35 μm. The experimental conditions were: 1 MPa ice pressure, ambient temperature −10 °C, average sliding velocity 0–0.16 m/s. Using the experimental logs, we balance the heat transfer in the ice-concrete contact zone to compute the amount of molten ice. The average melting of ice varies from 3 to 29% of total ice consumption. The highest melting rate of ice corresponded to the lowest ice consumption and lower average abrasion of concrete. The theoretical calculations are validated against benchmarked commercial software with an in-house melting model.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102088
Number of pages4
JournalCase Studies in Thermal Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Concrete
  • Surface
  • Abrasion
  • Wear
  • Melting
  • Ice


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