An MSSS-preconditioned matrix equation approach for the time-harmonic elastic wave equation at multiple frequencies

M. Baumann*, R. Astudillo, Y. Qiu, E.Y.M. Ang, M.B. van Gijzen, R.E. Plessix

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In this work, we present a new numerical framework for the efficient solution of the time-harmonic elastic wave equation at multiple frequencies. We show that multiple frequencies (and multiple right-hand sides) can be incorporated when the discretized problem is written as a matrix equation. This matrix equation can be solved efficiently using the preconditioned IDR(s) method. We present an efficient and robust way to apply a single preconditioner using MSSS matrix computations. For 3D problems, we present a memory-efficient implementation that exploits the solution of a sequence of 2D problems. Realistic examples in two and three spatial dimensions demonstrate the performance of the new algorithm.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-61
Number of pages19
JournalComputational Geosciences: modeling, simulation and data analysis
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Induced dimension reduction (IDR) method
  • Multilevel sequentially semiseparable (MSSS) matrices
  • Multiple frequencies
  • Preconditioned matrix equations
  • Time-harmonic elastic wave equation


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