An ultra-wideband radar imaging system using a two-dimensional multiple-input multiple-output (mimo) transducer array

J Fortuny-Guasch (Inventor), A Martinez (Inventor), A Yarovoy (Inventor), X Zhuge (Inventor), JM Lerat (Inventor), L Duchesne (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    An amount of bandwidth is allocated to a transport of content information as data via a data connection before initiating the transport. The content information is encoded in a layered coding scheme using a base layer and at least one enhancement layer. First it is determined if the data connection is in use for a further transport of further content information as further data via the data connection. Then one or more further attributes are determined of the further transport. Then, a number of the one or more enhancement layers of the content information are determined for the transport under control of a pre-determined policy depending on the one or more further attributes of the further transport.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2011048189 A1
    Priority date23/10/09
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Apr 2011


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