Analysis and planning of power grids: A network perspective

Hale Çetinay Iyicil

Research output: ThesisDissertation (TU Delft)

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Electric power has become an essential part of daily life: we plug our electronic devices in, switch our lights on, and expect to have power. As the availability of power is usually taken for granted in modern societies, we mostly feel annoyed at its absence and perceive the importance of power during outages which have severe effects on the public order. Blackouts have had disastrous consequences for many countries and they continue to occur frequently. Such examples demonstrate the necessity for careful analysis and planning of power grids, to ultimately increase the reliability of power grids.
The power grids have evolved due to economic, environmental and human-caused factors. In addition to the contingency analysis, nowadays, the operation and planning of power grids are facing many other challenges (such as demand growth, targeted attacks, cascading failures, and renewable energy integration). Thus, many questions arise, including: which buses (nodes) to connect with a new line (link)? What are the impacts of malicious attacks on power grids? How may an initial failure result in a cascade of failures? How to prepare for the integration of renewable energy? Answering such questions requires developing new concepts and tools for analysing and planning of power grids.
Power grids are one of the largest and the most complex man-made systems on earth. The complex nature of power grids and its underlying structure make it possible to analyse power grids relying on network science. The applications of network science on power grids have shown the promising potential to capture the interdependencies between components and to understand the collective emergent behaviour of complex power grids. This thesis is motivated by the increasing need of reliable power grids and the merits of network science on the investigation of power grids. In this context, relying on network science, we model and analyse the power grid and its near-future challenges in terms of line removals/additions, malicious attacks, cascading failures, and renewable integration.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Van Mieghem, P.F.A., Supervisor
  • Kuipers, F.A., Supervisor
Award date25 Oct 2018
Print ISBNs978-94-6186-969-2
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • network science
  • power grids
  • cascading failures
  • wind power
  • sensitivity analyses
  • targeted attacks
  • centrality metrics


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