Archaeological trails and contemporary art: Soundscapes for visually impaired visitors

Angeliki Antoniou*, J.S. Love, Ioanna Lykourentzou, Heng Gu, Maria Stathi

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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The paper presents the initial stages of a project that wishes to create soundscapes for people with visual impairments at the archaeological site of Souriza-Agrileza (Greece). The students of a music school collaborated with the archaeologists from the local ephorate of antiquities in order to provide appropriate sound clips that would be incorporated in the site, thus “translating” what students see to sounds and music for visitors with disabilities. In addition, the paper includes a relevant literature review that guided the design of the project.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the First International Workshop on Accessibility and Multimodal Interaction Design Approaches in Museums for People with Impairments
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventAccessibility and Multimodal Interaction Design Approaches in Museums for People with Impairments 2023 - Athens, Greece
Duration: 26 Sept 202326 Sept 2023
Conference number: 1

Publication series

NameCEUR Workshop Proceedings


ConferenceAccessibility and Multimodal Interaction Design Approaches in Museums for People with Impairments 2023
Abbreviated titleAccessibility and Multimodal Interaction Design Approaches in Museums for People with Impairments 2023
Internet address


  • soundscapes
  • visually impared
  • cultural landscapes
  • heritage sites


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