Assessing circular economy transitions

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeChapterScientific


To push forward a transition towards a clean, zero-waste circular economy (CE), cities and regions need to embed circularity goals and principles into their policies and urban planning. Succeeding in this effort requires developing tools for assessing the progress towards CE and to inform the relevant policies through effective evaluation. The current assessment methods face challenges in integrating the relevant dimensions and lack adequate data. Notably, spatial, governance and social aspects of CE transitions are often overlooked. In this chapter, we draw upon the academic literature and real-world policy examples to evaluate critically the existing approaches to CE assessment. Based on this, we provide recommendations to enhance the assessment of CE transitions in cities and regions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGoing Circular
Subtitle of host publicationUnlocking the Potential of Regions and Cities to Drive the Circular Economy Transition
EditorsMarcin Dąbrowski, Karel Van den Berghe, Joanna Williams, Ellen van Bueren
PublisherRoutledge - Taylor & Francis Group
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Publication series

NameRegional Studies Policy Impact Books
PublisherRoutledge - Taylor & Francis Group


  • circular economy
  • transitions
  • assessment
  • evaluation
  • holistic approach


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