Assessing transport measures using cost–benefit and multi-criteria analysis

Henk Taale, J Kiel, A Muizer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeChapterProfessional


To assess transport policy measures and putting together packages of measures for implementation, various methods and tools are available in the Netherlands. These methods comprise approaches to achieve packages of transport policy measures at a regional level and which are supported by the stakeholders. The best-known methods in the Netherlands are: 1.) The Sustainable Traffic Management method (GGB). This nine-step method can be used to compose packages of traffic management measures at a regional level, involving all relevant stakeholders. 2.) The Accessibility Solutions method. This is a quick scan method, to reach a consensus on a package of solutions for regional accessibility that contains both demand and supply-oriented measures. 3.) The Assistance for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (KEA). This is a guide which shows how regional projects can be developed, balanced and optimised. Cost-effectiveness is an important criterion for deciding on the package of measures. 4.) The Toekan methodology. This methodology is meant to plan accessibility measures for temporary projects, such as (major) roadworks. In line with these methods, there are several other studies available that focus on optimising packages of transport policy measures. They are mostly related to one specific policy topic (traffic flow, safety or sustainability) or one specific type of measure (demand management, capacity management). There are also several studies on effects, ratios and cost-effectiveness of measures implemented and available. An overview of the effects of Dutch implementations of traffic management measures is given by Taale and Schuurman [2015]. The existing methods all have their own purpose and function to assess policy packages of measures or individual measures. However, there is a lack of a unified, integrated and comprehensive method to determine the cost-efficiency or to make a (social) cost-benefit analysis for such packages or measures. Currently, on one hand the integration of the different policy objectives and the different types of measures is missing, while on the other hand the uniformity of definitions, data (key figures and costs) and calculation methods is lacking. This chapter tries to fill this gap and describes an integrated and uniform approach, called the Assessment method for demand and traffic management (AMDTM).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEvaluation of Intelligent Road Transport Systems
Subtitle of host publicationMethods and Results
EditorsMeng Lu
Place of PublicationLondon, United Kingdom
PublisherInstitution of Engineering and Technology
Number of pages28
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-78561-173-5
ISBN (Print)978-1-78561-172-8
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2016

Publication series

NameIET Transportation Series
PublisherThe Institution of Engineering and Technology


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