Asset management maturity in public infrastructure: the case of Rijkswaterstaat

Leentje Volker, Andreas Ligtvoet, Martine van den Boomen, Peter Wessels, Telli van der Lei, Paulien Herder

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In times of restructuring governmental policies and resources, the
need for strategic asset management is growing. Maturity models offer
organisations a structure to assist them in improving their asset management
performance. We present the results of a repeated maturity measurement based
on the infrastructure management maturity matrix (IM3) in Rijkswaterstaat, a
Dutch public infrastructure organisation. The IM3 distinguishes five maturity
levels from ad hoc to optimised, and seven asset management dimensions:
information management, internal coordination, external coordination, market
approach, risk management, processes and roles, and culture and leadership.
The results show significant progress on all dimensions, and continued learning
and widespread awareness of asset management in the organisation. In the
discussion, we reflect on the findings and possible future developments for the
organisation. We also discuss the potential impact of infrastructure maturity
models for the professionalisation of other asset intensive organisations
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)439-453
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • road infrastructure
  • quality assessment
  • public sector
  • organisational growth
  • maturity model
  • strategic asset management;
  • asset management maturity
  • Rijkswaterstaat


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