Characteristic function of the hybrid Heston–Hull–White mode

Fang Fang, Bas Janssens

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review


    In our contribution the goal is to find the analytic solution of the characteristic function (ch.f.)ofxT, given the initial data under the hybrid Heston–Hull–White model. That is, we want to find aclosed form expression for
    Φ(ω;x0,v0,r0) :=E(exp(iωxT)|x0,v0,r0).
    A first observation on the model is the following: If xt satisfies
    dxt=(rt−12vt)dt+√vtd ̃W1,t,
    then St=exp(xt) satisfies the Heston–Hull–White model, as can be seen by applying Itô’s lemma.This paper has a twofold aim:
    - Solve the problem under the assumptionρ13=ρ23=0.
    - Solve the problem under the assumptionρ23=0, and under the additional assumption thatκη=λ2/4, in which case√vtis governed by an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process.
    It is organized as follows: in section 1, we decompose the three correlated Wiener processes intothree independent ones, and establish some notation. In section 2, we eliminate two noises byexploiting the Gaussianity of thert-distribution, as well as the fact thatxtdoes not occur on the r.h.s.of the equations. In section 3, we obtain the ch.f. ofxTin the aforementioned two cases.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationStudy Group Mathematics with Industry 2007
    PublisherUniversiteit Utrecht
    Number of pages9
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventStudy Group Mathematics with Industry 2007 - University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
    Duration: 29 Jan 20072 Feb 2007


    ConferenceStudy Group Mathematics with Industry 2007
    Internet address


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